Sunday 13 November 2011

Training with the Suunto Zoop

Earlier this year we purchased 10 Zoop consoles with the SK7 module from Suunto. Each containing a Suunto Zoop, along with an SK7 compass and pressure gauge. We have been using them for a few months now, and we’re glad that we made the move to using the Zoop within our dive school. We’ve used these computers/consoles on every level of course we teach from Try Dives and Open Water courses to the PADI Tec courses and alongside our dive instructors/safety divers these dive computers provide the cornerstone of our divers safety. Tracking multiple dives ensuring that each diver stays well within their deco limits, while also providing them valuable dive information, depth, time, safety stop details etc.

They’ve really been put through their paces and have seen all extremes of conditions, care and diving. They’ve been worn on tec dives where they were bent during extended nitrox deco, and then surfaced. They really didn’t like it with unmissable beeps and flashing warnings as we over stayed our air limits. Then they show the required SOS notice for 48 hours and are back in action by the next time we use them. They’ve been dragged through silt, stones, through wrecks and been acidently bashed into anything and everything a student diver swims past. They survived every knock. The easily replaceable screen guards are defintely recomended for school and every day normal use. Even when heavily scratched (as water fills the gaps) it’s still incredibly easy to read the screen, and simple and cheap to replace them as necessary.

Initially we thought that these may not stand up to heavy dive school use but Craig from Suunto promised us that they would and they really have.

As a dive computer the Suunto Zoop is recomended to any and all recreational divers looking for a great all round computer that’s built to last.

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