Sunday 25 September 2011

OMG we videoed us with a dolphin in Plymouth Sound!!

Dolphin.AVI Watch on Posterous

Brian, one of the Aquanauts Team was on a commercial dive course on Friday, when a rather friendly dolphin came and interfered with the class. It was absolutely amazing! We’ve never seen a dolphin come this close and stay for so long. Normally they swim in pods of between 2 and 50 and although sociable and intelligent, wild dolphins rarely interact with people. This lone bull dolphin must have been craving some company as he stayed and played with us all for about an hour. On Saturday we got some footage of him near the James Eagan Layne, and on Friday Aquanauts Instructor John was teaching an Open Water class at the waterfront when the same dolphin decided to join in. Apparently he was trying to interfere with John’s demonstrations and every time he took his mask off the dolphin kept nudging him, he then swam with our students for 20 minutes. Let’s hope he stays around for a bit longer for our evening dives this week.

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